Mammary Range

- Lactomax is a unique combination of 5 herbs Jivanti, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Vidari Kand and Jatamansi.
- Lactomax ensures smooth and completes let down of milk by increasing vascularity of the mammary tissues.
- Lactomax restores milk yield in mastitis affected animals by regenerating damaged mammary tissues.
- Lactomax can be given effectively at any stage of lactation.
- Lactomax boosts, suppressed/ shrinked mammary tissues to ensure optimum yield.
- Hypogalactia.
- Irregular lactation.
- Post parturient drop in milk yield.
- Post mastitis and allied problems.
- Habitual irregularity in cattle in letting down of milk.
- Low level of milk production in apparently healthy animals.
- Result oriented in 10 days.
- 10 tablets twice a day.
- Double dose recommended in the case of letting down of milk.
Available in a pack of 100, 200 & 500 Tablets also available in 20 Bolus Pack.
Salient Features of Lactomax
- Ashwagandha reduces inflammation and pain, thus helping in recovery from mastitis.
- It also has antibacterial properties, which reduces/controls bacterial growth during or after mastitis.
- It is a very good source of antioxidants, which helps in recovering of mammary tissues after mastitis.
- It is also known to increase blood production, when there is more blood available to milk vein, there is increased milk production.
- Supplementation of Shatavari in lactating animals has shown to increase the dry matter intake of the animal which finally leads to an increase in milk production. (Barhane & Singh 2002).
- In another research, it has been found that animals supplemented by Shatavari showed enhanced milk production by 25%. (Patel & Kantikar,1969).
- Shatavari has also shown increased estrus & conception rates. (Barhane, 2000).
- It is considered a stimulant and tonic in Ayurveda.
- Its lactogenic effect has been early days, due to which milk production increases. (Dadarkar et al, 2005).
- The most amazing feature of Jivanti is although it helps in increasing milk production, it does not alter the milk composition. (Anjuaria & Gupta, 1967).
- It is known to increase the absorption of nutrients in body tissues and mammary glands.
- Jatamansi has antioxidants properties that help in the healing of mammary tissues.
- Hypogalactia.
- Irregular lactation.
- Post parturient drop in milk yield.
- Post mastitis and allied problems.
- Habitual irregularity in cattle in letting down of milk.
- Low level of milk production in apparently healthy animals.
- Result oriented in 10 days.
- 10 tablets twice a day.
- Double dose recommended in the case of letting down of milk.
Available in a pack of 100, 200 & 500 Tablets also available in 20 Bolus Pack.
Composition of each 60gm contains:
- Tri-Sodium Citrate – 30 gm
- Vitamin A – 100,000 I.U.
- Vitamin D3 – 20,000 I.U.
- Vitamin E – 1,000 I.U.
- Niacinamide – 200 mg
- Vitamin K – 10 mg
- Thiamine – 200 mg
- Riboflavin – 200 mg
- Pantothenic Acid – 50 mg
- Biotin – 20 mg
- Methionine – 10 mg
- Manganese Sulphate – 4 mg
- Copper Sulphate – 1,200 mg
- Zinc Sulphate – 500 mg
- Cobalt Sulphate – 50 mg
- Selenium – 4 mg
- Amino Nitrogen – 60 mg
- Potassium Iodide – 4 mg
- Live Yeast Spore – 50,000 millions CFU
- Buff normalizes the milk pH from alkaline to normal i.e. 6.5 which is unfavorable for microbial growth and free from bacterial contamination.
- Buff boosts cellular immunity against mastitis, thereby protects mastitis affected tissues.
- Buff enhances cellular antioxidant level which reduces cellular oxidation and prevents mastitis.
- The citrate ions in Buff chelate calcium ions in the blood thereby disrupting the blood clotting mechanism in the udder.
- The presence of citrate ions in the buff leads to an increase in the milk yield of the recovered animals from sub-clinical mastitis.

Salient Features to Buff
- Buff (cobalt sulphate) intensifies the effect of antibiotics when given together. Thus making the recovery from mastitis fast and easy.
- In tests against pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus when given with cobalt sulphate (ingredient of buff) supplementation 1/10th, 1/2nd, 1/50th concentration of antibiotic was necessary to secure effective inhibition of growth respectively. (George T Edds, S L Bickal, 1953).
- Cobalt enhances the antibiotic effectiveness of penicillin. (Pratt and Dufrenoy,1947).
- Cobalt produced a two t of our-fold increase in the effectiveness of penicillin against Staphylococcus aureus, E. Coli, Proteus Vulgaris and B. Subtilis. (Strait et al,1948).
- Tri-sodium Citrate & Vit. K in buff prevents Hemolactia during mastitis.
- Citrate is known as “Harbinger of lactogenesis” maintains the pH as well as increases the calcium absorption into the body, thus increasing milk yield.
- Copper Sulphate helps to reduce the severity of mastitis. So it is useful in clinical as well as subclinical mastitis. (Michelle Van Ryn, 2009).
- Zinc Sulphate reduces the somatic cell count of the milk, improving the quality of milk. (Michelle Van Ryn,2009).
- Live yeast supplementation has shown an increase of 6.1% in milk yield, thus increasing the profits of the farmer. (Moallem U, Lehrer H, Livshitz L, Zachut M, Yakoby S.)
- Subclinical Mastitis.
- Adjunct to antibiotic therapy in clinic mastitis.
Feeding Schedule:
- 60gm powder daily in jaggery in 2 divided dosages for 4 to 5 consecutive days.

- Poor Udder Health
- Damaged Mammary Tissues
- Drop in Milk Production
- Shrinked Teat
- Fibrosis
- Vittol repairs mammary tissues.
- Vittol boots milk secretionary tissue.
- Vittol increases the milk holding capacity of the udder.
- Vittol corrects leaky teats.
- Vittol helps in speedy recovery from mastitis.
- Vittol acts as an immunity booster and prevents postpartum mastitis.
- Vittol helps in overall udder development.
- Nutrition value per ml.
- Vitamin A – 20,000 I.U.
- Vitamin D3 – 10,000 I.U.
- Vitamin E – 50 mg.
- Vitamin H(Biotin) – 25 mcg.
- Vitamin C – 5 mg.
- Vitamin B12 – 20 mcg.
- Copper MHA – 100 mcg.
- Zinc MHA – 18mg.
- Ele. Selenium.
Available in 100 ml, 250 ml & 500 ml packs.